WhatsApp calls are often required for personal or professional work but it is not possible to record internet calls with conventional apps! There are details on how to record WhatsApp calls on Android powered smartphones. First you need to install the Cube Call Recorder app. How to record Launch the Cube Recorder app and click on the WhatsApp option, then WhatsApp will launch. Then you have to call WhatsApp in the usual way. The call will be successfully recorded if it appears on the pop up window or widget screen of Cube Call Recorder. If this method is not recorded, try again by turning on the ‘Force VoIP call as voice call’ option from the settings of the Cube Call Recorder app. This app can be used to record Facebook or Skype calls in the same way. There are other screen recording apps that you can use to record videos. AZ Screen Recorder Google Play Games Screen Recorder by Kimcy929 Twitch Vysor