1. It takes at least five to six minutes to start the engine of a train after various processes, and if at this time a sudden yellow or green signal is given to leave, it takes time to leave that signal in an instant if the engine is off. There is a possibility of an accident. So start is not stopped if the engine is in line.
2. Train engines have air compressor brakes. These require air pressure to work properly. And if the engine does not start, the air compressor does not work. An air compressor is required for the brakes to work properly. So the engine start is not stopped in the middle of going anywhere.
3. In case of diesel engine it is necessary to have full battery charge at the right time to start. Since batteries are used for train lights and accessories. Therefore, the diesel engines do not start and stop for a short time due to the low charge of the battery due to their use.
4. Additional fuel consumption is required to keep the temperature at optimum level while starting the diesel engine. So the engine is kept running to avoid additional fuel consumption as a result of repeated shutdowns.
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