One of the things we often do nowadays, especially in modern times, is typing on the keyboard. What we mean by typing is writing on computer, mobile. But even before mobile, computer, the type of device that people have typed or typed is "Typewriter". Now, if you look at typewriters you will notice that most typewriters are not arranged in ABCD format at all, which is exactly the same as the current keyboard.
This type of layout is called "QWERTY" on the keyboard, and is the most popular keyboard layout. This means that other keyboard layouts have been released before.
Now if I say that the birth of QWERTY keyboard is designed to reduce the typing speed of the keyboard, what will happen?
When the typewriter was first arranged in English alphabetical order, people typed on the keyboard so fast that the 'keys' or 'buttons' on the keyboard would get jammed. This means placing the same type of characters together, or putting all popular characters in the same place. To avoid this jam, the researchers put together frequently used characters. But no! This time there was a problem. When typing, nearby buttons were often mistakenly used (pressing a button and sticking to the side).
Then in the 180's, "Christopher Latham Scholes" introduced the current QWERTY keyboard, where he placed the popular characters one by one. Because the letters on the keyboard are so inverted, every finger is used on the keyboard and people can write English sentences very easily.
Finally we get two features of this keyboard layout. Which is to reduce typing speed, and to have more advantage to type in English. As the QWERTY keyboard grew in popularity, it was used in everything from typewriters to mobile phones, laptops, and so on.
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