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How to find the information you need from Google?

 Google, the world's most popular search engine, may not be able to find Internet users who do not search for information at least once a day. If we search by typing just a word or two, the huge store of information that is caught in front of us, may not have an alternative to initially collecting information. But sometimes we have to get a lot of speed to find the necessary information from Google. Our hair falls out to find the desired information, especially in the case of academic research. But it is possible to get all the information we catch from Google. So if we pay attention to some things in the case of Google search, we can easily find the site of our choice or the necessary information, so we will save a lot of time.

According to a survey by Whistler University, only 25 percent of students can find the information they need from Google. In our country that number may be less. Despite having this huge database at hand, we are not able to use it properly. Here are some useful tips from Google search for Roar Bangla readers. Become a Google-Fu Master!

1. More keywords

We usually use one or more words when searching on Google. Google uses each of these words as an index to match the words on other sites. The site with the highest number of matches, Google presents them one by one. So, using the maximum number of keywords when searching, Google can put our preferred site at the top.

The more keywords you use, the better Google will understand what you really need. Suppose you want to explain something to your friend. It may not be clear to him in a word or two, but in a few words your friend's idea of ​​the matter may be clear. Google is just like your friend. Give him more and more funny words. Then you will see that Google is presenting the sites you need in front of you.

2. Use stop word

Google automatically filters out some of the most commonly used keywords, which are no longer relevant to search. Some of the words are, ‘and’, ‘the’, WH words (‘where’, ‘how’, ‘what’), ‘or’ etc. Google also filters a letter or number. E.g .: ‘a’.

Suppose you type in the search bar, ‘how a transmission works’, now Google will first shorten your search to just ‘transmission works’ by omitting the stop words (how, a). Then there will be the actual search. So using extra stop words is taking too long, there is no benefit to searching. So as much as possible, try not to use the word stop.

But if you think adding a stop word is really important, then you need to explain to Google that you want Google to search with that word. You need to use the '+' operator for this. If you add a ‘+’ operator before a word, even if it is a stop word, Google will search with that word.

For example, to add the word how to search, type ‘+ how’. In this case care should be taken that there is no space after the ‘+’ operator.

3. Operator usage

The use of Google search operators helps us to find specific information. These operators can be a great tool for finding information, academic research or search engine optimization.

We will divide the search operators into three parts.

A. Basic operator

"" (Quote) - Search for a word or phrase by typing it in quotation marks. For example: "nikola tesla".

‘OR’ or ‘|’ (or) - Google usually uses the AND operator between two words. In other words, if you search by typing two words, Google will show only those web sites that have both words. If you are looking for one or the other of the two words, use the OR operator. In this case, you must use uppercase letters, or Google will take it as a stop word.

() (Parenthesis) - A search command can be grouped using brackets or parentheses. Such as:

Parenthesis and use of OR operators

+ (Plus) - The use of the plus operator is detailed above.

- (minus) - If you want to remove a word from the search, you have to use a minus operator. In this case, Google will remove the words that are on the site. Such as:

Some words are being filtered while searching bass

* (Asterisk) - Asterisk can be used to replace any word in a phrase. In this way, Google will take that word as a blank word. The matter is clarified with examples. Suppose we search for "Rock and Roll". But many people write this phrase in many ways. Such as: Rock & Roll or Rock an Roll etc. So in this case, if you search by typing Rock * Roll, Google will display the search results by leaving the middle word apparently implied. In this way, he does not have an account of what the middle word is. However, in this case, irrelevant pages may also appear in front of us.

# .. # (Limit) - To search within a specified range you need to use the ‘..’ operator. In this case, the two hashes have to be replaced with two numbers. Such as: 2015..2018.

B. Advanced Operator

Advanced search operators make search results more specific.

in - This operator is used to make unit changes. For example: 250 km in mile. In addition, the general accounting work can be done in the Google address bar.

Unit converter

In intitle - the operator will search only the title of the page. For example: intitle: "tesla vs edison".

inurl - This operator is used to search the site's URL or address. E.g. donald trump inurl: 2010.

intext - This operator is used to search only the text or body part of the site.

The operator in filetype is very important and very useful. As the name implies, this operator is used to find files of a certain format. E.g. Diary of a wimpy kid filetype: pdf.

related - This operator helps to find similar sites. For example, if you search by typing: related:, you will find the sites of some famous news agencies.

Use of related operators in similar site searches

AROUND (#) - Specifies the distance between two words with the AROUND (#) operator. E.g .: tesla AROUND (3) edison. This means that Google will see where the words tesla and edison are at a maximum of three words apart.

C. Others

There are a few more operators, but they are not very reliable. So this list was kept as short as possible.

In ‘‘ ’the operator also searches for synonyms of a word.

link: This operator is used to search a specific site through Google.

Now using so many operators one by one, we will not get such a suitable result. Only by using a large number of operators can the desired information be captured in front of us. Two examples are given.

nikola tesla intitle: “top 5..10 facts” -site: inurl: 2015

site: ~ college “test score” -SATs 2015..2017

Reader, can you catch what the operator is doing? Otherwise, add it again. If you can make these operators your daily companion, your googling will become more fun.

4. Academic research

General Google search is not suitable for academic research. So Google Scholar makes it very easy for us to mention sites or references for academic research, projects or places.

Research papers that can be read for free can be found on Google Scholar. For example: Dr. Ronald L. Green and Dr. The search for a paper on photosynthesis by Thomas P. Buttz is as follows -

Searching for research papers in Google Scholar

In this case, the author of the papers on Google Photosynthesis as Dr. They will show if there is green, whether the word green is on a site or not is no longer important in this case.

5. Other tips

A. Use the define: operator to find the definition of something. For example: define: photoelectric effect.

B. Never ask Google any questions. All you need to know is to type the topic directly and search with the various operators mentioned above.

C. If you want to find a specific word on the sites displayed by Google, go to that site and press ctrl / cd + F. This will bring up a popup box. If you search by typing your desired word there, it will be highlighted on the site.

Good luck with your googling in the days ahead.

Post: Jahin Tajwar Masood


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